Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Beautiful Womanhood Marriage Seminar Weekend

A "Girls' Weekend" event for women of all ages and stages
Friday & Saturday, May 1-2, 2009 at Zion Lutheran Church, Buffalo Minnesota
Tickets: $25 (Candy Geisler, is looking into this opportunity for women. Contact her if you are interested in going)

Seminar Description
Marriage is hard work! Are you looking for encouragement and practical advice for your role as a wife? This seminar is for you! Author and speaker Sandy Ralya International speaker and author Sandy Ralya offers humor, insight, and sensitivity for the marriage issues that you face.
If your marriage is good--gain tips to make your marriage even better.
If you are facing heartache in your marriage--be encouraged by Sandy's honest testimony.
If you are soon to be married or a newlywed--discover the impact you can make as a wife.

Don't miss this very special weekend. For more online information go to beautifulwomanhood.com

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Search is on...

We have begun the search for our new pastor. Darren Carlson, has been our interim pastor since last July and will be with us until his replacement is found. Darren will be the Director of Training Leaders International, a missions organization focused on aiding pastors who desire theological education in places it cannot be found. We are so grateful for his leadership and giftedness that he has shared with us. His knowledge of scripture and love for the Lord has been evident and has greatly impacted our lives. Thank you, Darren. It is a joy to work with you.

If you want a glimpse of the Search Committee’s Timeline, Pastoral Job Description and Application, go to our website at: http://www.pcefc.com/ and click on the link on our homepage.

And, please pray for wisdom and discernment as we move on to what the Lord has in His plan for Pine City EFC. We love this church and the people who make up our church body. There is a deep love, kindness and compassion for one another here that is so evident. We would so appreciate your continued prayers.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Fishing and Faith
Men’s Wild Game Feed Tonight

Guys…. The Fifth Annual Men’s Wild Game Feed is tonight, just hours away, 6:30 pm at the Lighthouse. This is a fantastic night with great food and a great prize give away!

Our speaker, Mark Schutz is a Professional Bass/Walleye Tournament fisherman. He also is the director and guide with Full Throttle Outdoors on Mille Lacs Lake ftfishing.com and will have great tips for you! This is an outreach event designed to point men of all ages to Christ! More about Mark at: mnsmallmouthguide.com Also, enjoy a buffet of wild game entrées, some fun, humor and a many prize give away! Music by "Fishers of Men". You won't want to miss out!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

PCEFC Family News

Congratulations, Candy!
We've given her a lot of "ministry time" off.... yep, over the last 4-5 years seeing Candy Geisler around the halls of the church building during the week was a scarce sighting! Candy has worked long hours going to college and holding down a job in the Twin Cities at Minnesota Life. Candy graduated in December with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Financial Services Sales at the College of St. Catherine. Candy has worked very hard and as a church family we are so very proud of her. Look below, there are four daughters who are very proud of their mom also!

Honoring A Very Special Lady
Ruth Geisler is celebrating her 80th birthday and you are invited to an open house given by her family in her honor. Please join us on Sunday, April 5, 2-4 pm, PCEFC Lighthouse. They are asking, "No gifts please!"

A Milestone Has Been Made
Patty Gerhardson will walk to receive her diploma from Pine Technical College on May 15. She is graduating from the Practical Nursing Program at the college. Patty plans to continue her education in nursing by working toward an R.N Degree. You are invited to an open house in her honor, on Saturday, May 16, at the home of Todd and Kari Johnson, 5157 550th Street, Pine City. Congratulations, Patty! We are so happy for you!

Another Wedding?
PCEFC has announced a number of engagements and marriages in the last few years. The newest announcement is the engagement of David Johnson, son of Lonnie and Jeanne Johnson, to Lisa Miller, daughter of Dave Miller and the late Vickie Miller of Kansas City, Missiouri. David and Lisa met at the college they both attend, Liberty University, in Lynchburg, Virginia. Wedding plans have been made for Friday, June 26 at Rose Garden in Loose Park, Kansas City, Missouri.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Newness, Freshness...Spring

A Change of Clothing For a Change of Season
The Evangelism & Missions Committee is announcing the continuation of our clothing shelf ministry. It has been successful and the community has used it. We are asking for you to go through your spring and summer clothing and bring in clean, good condition spring and summer wear to share with those in need. Thank you everyone!

Shepherd Groups
We have host homes all ready to go for this spring's Shepherd Groups. See this week's bulletin insert for your choice of day and time. Find what's best for you and give a host home a call. Shepherd groups are starting the week of April 5 and will end July 1. This is a great opportunity to form those long-lasting relationships as you study the life-changing book of Acts. The study "Fire & Reign" will greatly impact your life and the lives of those around you.

The Mike and Doug Concert at the Lighthouse
Mark your calendar for a great concert on Saturday, March 28, 7:00 pm at the Lighthouse. This is a fundraiser for the Pine City Food Shelf… you are invited to come and support the Food Shelf and hear great southern gospel music. Come and hear Mike Hanson (from Kroschel) and Doug Ammerman (from Hinckley) in concert! A fun night of fantastic music…. you won’t want to miss!

Hey Kids, Summer Camp and Scholarship Info Available

Kids and parents, summer is coming up and that means Bible Camp is revving up for a new camp season. New Grindstone Lake Bible Camp flyers are now out in the racks and Welcome Desk! Pick up info on this new exciting year of camp... “Under Construction: God at Work” is the theme for this year! Be prepared for change because God is at work! Memory work to earn camp scholarships are available on the table in the foyer.

Easter Choir

An Easter choir is being formed and dates for choir practice are set. Please join us on the following Wednesday evenings, 7:30 pm at the Lighthouse for practice: March 25, April 1, and April 8. We will sing in the morning worship service on Easter, April 12. Any questions contact Adrienne Roubinek or Mindy Otis.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sending Out

Isaac Johnson left today with Lyn Sahr and a group of students and adults from Cambridge Christian School to go on a mission trip to Monterrey, Mexico. Isaac and the rest of the group will minister to people in and around Monterrey helping in an orphanage and in churches, singing, speaking and drama performances which will present the saving message of Jesus Christ. Please pray for Isaac and the team as they fly to Monterrey and return home the 24th. Pray that their message will be clear and that the Holy Spirit will prepare the hearts receiving the message of Christ.
Drive the Bus
with Keith Conner

Evergreen Community Church is sponsoring a great night of music along with loads of fun designed for youth of all ages. Keith Conner, a music minister to youth and kids from Marion, Indiana, will be coming in concert at 6:30 pm to Evergreen Community Church on Tuesday, March 24. Tickets are $ 4 for adults and $ 2 for 12 and under. For a glimpse of what's to come... watch the new "Drive the Bus" video now!

Keith Conner has a unique ability to usher people of all ages into the presence of God through the use of his comedic style, as well as his God given musical abilities. Keith has been a full time Christian artist since July 1993. While comedic in style (okay, downright goofy), Keith has found his passion and giftedness in leading worship with sensitivity and humor. A gentleman recently approached Keith and shared this, “Most musicians are great at comedy or the high energy side while they lack the depth of the more worshipful music or vice versa but, Keith does both incredibly well.” Mark your calendar and bring your whole family.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

They're Sharing the Spotlight
and You're Invited!

It’s a Birthday Party and you're invited! Jim Westman has turned 50 and Donna is turning 49….. Yep, that’s right, and they’re sharing the celebration day which you are invited to. Come and help get them through this big event in their life on Saturday, March 21, 2:30 pm at the Rock Creek Community Center.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

God has Humor

As I was checking in at Nairobi on my way out of the country I heard an American voice behind me. The man looked familiar and so I asked him where he was from. He was from Washington DC. At once, I knew who it was. I had programmed this man’s cell phone at The Gospel Coalition conference two years ago. He is also the pastor of the sending church that sent my best friend to Nairobi (whose wedding I was in). John (the pastor) had been in Uganda with his wife and was flying back home. I showed him pictures of the wedding and we spoke about the joy of ministry. Only God would make that happen.

Sitting Around the Table - March 10th

I have had many individual conversations with Christians. Today I was sitting with an Ethiopian and Congolese brother. Frank is from the DRC and works at DayStar University. His desire is to run from a government position in the DRC. His uncle was the speaker of the house years ago but was assassinated. His family had to leave the country.

The Ethiopian brother Oli grew up in a Christian home but converted to Islam. He moved to Saudi Arabia to learn Arabic. His became a very devoted Muslim and got engaged to a Muslim girl to be married. The girl however, came to be possessed by a demon. On one occasion she passed out and started speaking Ethiopian. They took her to a Muslim sheik but he told them that they had to listen to the demon if she wanted to live. There was nothing he could do. At that point Oli knew Islam could not be correct. He thinks he was tormented by demons and he would wake up screaming in the middle of the night. He went back to Ethiopia and attended a church with a woman he had tried to win (and almost did) to Islam. Within two Sundays he was a Christian. He now wants to be a pastor.

March 10th - The Dry Gospel

One comment struck me today from a pastor. He mentioned that Christians often offer a “dry” gospel. That is, the offer Jesus, but that is all. So they come to a starving person and tell them Jesus is enough, instead of bringing food and the gospel. Many pastors in Kenya get degrees in subjects like “community development” in order to round out their ministry. My friend plants churches that deal with healthcare, justice issues, empowerment and gospel preaching.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Machakos - March 9th

I am at Scott enjoying my time. This morning was chapel. We came in and sang one song and then had a time of prayer. I preached – I think it was well received. I took a small video of them saying hi to my church and family. As I am typing this young Kenyan came over to say hello. We spoke, he took my hand and prayed God’s blessing on me – very thankful. At chapel one fourth year student shared his passion to go back to his people to share the gospel. He desperately wants people to go into the pastorate who know the Bible. He told me of one young man who became a Christian who took the name Peter. When the local Muslims found out that asked him what his name meant. Peter did not know, so the Muslims showed them where Peter is called Satan by Jesus in the gospel of Matthew. Peter then thought his name meant Satan and became discouraged and struggled with the faith. If only there was a pastor to tell him the truth.
After chapel we had chai (I passed as I was warned about what it might do to my stomach). I was specifically told to pray for the tea in my final prayer or no one would know what to do.

There are five other Trinity graduates here. Three Kenyans, an Asian American doctor and John. I had lunch with two of the leaders today about theological education and how the US could help (and hurt). It was very educational.

I am glad to be with these people. They have been generous to me.

Machakos - March 8th

Today John picked me up. We went to a church a mile from where Dave lives. A Canadian missionary preached from 1 Tim 2. The service ended with a call to pledges – a typical thing in Nairobi. Giving is a very public thing here.

We went to a game reserve and then lunch. It was right out of a movie. Land owned by some Brits who have had it for years. The food was great. The animals were good to see.

Scott College is nestled on the some foothills outside Machakos. It is a beautiful campus. There are pastors here from Rwanda, Sudan, Kenya, Congo and Tanzania. Many work in Muslim communities. John and I shared the night talking about the struggles in East Africa. The churches need to meet the need through health care, justice issues, labor skills and gospel preaching (exactly what Dave does). John’s house is great – very open and comfortable.

There are a lot of woman “pastors” in Kenya. They distinguish between pastors and reverends. I am not sure how to think about this issue in my own theology.

I pray tomorrows message will come with the power of the Spirit – that there will be real ministry done. I want to be relevant to the issues at hand and not bring my western baggage to the mix. I am looking forward to learning tomorrow.

The Wedding - March 7th

Today was the wedding. We woke up this morning around 6:00am to get ready. Mike left around 8:30 (he was supposed to leave at 7:30) to fetch Lucy from the parents home. It involved convincing the aunts and uncles to release her. He did a fine job. The wedding was supposed to start at 10:00. At 9:15 we arrived at the church and no one was there. By 9:45 it was very sparse. At 10:00 some people were there, the pastor had arrived and the praise band was starting to set up. Then there was some commotion as women from Lucy’s tribe started singing. Ten minutes later the pastor said it was time to start. There were 20 people in the church. By the time to Lucy got to Dave there were at least 250. The ceremony was right away – somewhat formal. We sang a hymn and then sang a Kenyan chorus. You could tell the difference when they sang a song in their style of music! During the service the band stepped out of the church so the pastor stepped down and played blessed assurance for us all to sing. There was a casualness to the whole thing. Half way to the service I was asked to read Scripture. The service lasted an hour and a half – short for most weddings.

Outside the church there was more singing and pictures. The reception was crazy. Lucy’s family marched Dave and Lucy into the reception. There were some kids there from UNICEF, so they were very interested. They were Somoli kids for the most part. They just stared at me and smiled. Some teenager girls wore traditional muslim burka’s. There was singing as we entered and it went on for a while. There were some speeches and a translator helped us so Lucy’s tribe could understand. Gifts were given by family – uncles, aunts, cousins and others came in groups singing to Dave and Lucy. Lucy made the cake and explained it’s significance to everyone.

We drove through downtown Nairobi – a lot of people, little space to drive and a lot of dirt. We drove by a couple of mosques along the way – some were very large. The mosque down the road from Dave has open air preaching against Christians. The driver told us there was a lot of crime in the area. We didn’t get out. We went to Lucy’s home afterward – her dad works inside a prison. The driver told us some prisoners had been there for 16 years because the government had delayed their trial for stealing a chicken – what a sad life! The staff live inside the prison complex. It is poor, but Lucy says the poverty before this job led them to drinking tea for days before they ate food.

No one here is overweight. No one has seconds. I have yet to see people finish their plate of food. Desert has been fruit. They see food as something to eat for necessity. Americans see food as enjoyment and temptation.

All in all, a very educational, inspiring and good time.

Friday, March 6, 2009

A note from Darren


Just a quick update from me: Things are going well!! I only have internet for a brief moment so I will be short. The wedding rehersal was last night - 3 hours long and then dinner. It will be a pretty long wedding. The best part is the brother of the groom has to go "fetch" the bride before the wedding. This can take hours as the family tends to have fun releasing her :) The driving is crazy - I can not even explain it. Add that to people walking down the middle of the street always trying to sell you something, and it makes for an interesting day. A lot of people are just walking around or sitting on the side of the road. I am now recovered from jet lag and getting to see Nairobi. There was some violence today - a tribe was killing bus drivers in protest of something. I have learned that "ninn-e-sota" is Swahili means "I'm broke." People here laugh when I tell them how cold it is. I met 5 Christians on my way here. Three guys from a free church that were headed to Sudan. 1 woman from Dallas going home to visit in Kenya. And 1 woman from California who is a board members of some ministries that fund hospitals in Uganda and Sudan. It was a long flight, but good! Must go now! Darren
Some things to remember about
this weekend

Spring ahead!
Set your clocks forward Saturday night
so you aren’t late for Teen Challenge Sunday morning!

Teen Challenge Sunday
Don't forget this Sunday is a very special Sunday. Teen Challenge is coming again this year to Pine City EFC on Sunday, March 8 at 10:15 am. Teen Challenge is a long-term, in-patient Christian treatment program for drug and alcohol addictions. The men will sing and share testimonies of God’s love and faithfulness in helping them out of darkness. We want to encourage everyone to attend. This is an opportunity to encourage these young men on their recovery journey! Invite your family and friends to this very special event!

MegaRally @ Bethel
Featuring Fireflight and humorist Bob Stromberg on Sunday, March 8, 6:30-8:00 pm We're leaving the church 5:00 pm and returning around 10:00 pm. Cost is $6 along with money for a stop at Fast Food on the way home.