Friday, February 26, 2010

To Save A Life
Now Showing in Hinckley

(Want to know more about the movie? Click on pictue above.)

We're never more like Jesus than when we reach out to those around us who are hurting. To Save A Life is a powerful movie about real life challenges that teens face today. It's about the story of Jake Taylor, star athlete and ladies man. His life is perfect and popular, but that ideal life comes at the expense of his childhood friend, Roger Dawson. Roger takes his own life in a tragic school shooting that sends Jake’s life spinning out of control and sets the stage for his last few challenging months of high school... a journey that will change his life forever as he dares to make a difference.

This movie will greatly impact teens as well as adults. Take your teens to this movie (it's probably appropriate for 8th grade on up). It is now at Hinckley Grand Cinema. It was there last week and has been held over for one more week through Thursday, March 4. Thank you to Tim Davis for hosting this movie so close to home.

Saying goodbye
to a very special person

Lorraine Schultz went home to be with Jesus last week. We hosted her funeral at the Lighthouse on Saturday, February 20. Lorraine was a person who will be remembered because of her love for Christ, her servant heart and her industrious nature. She loved children and enjoyed teaching them about Jesus and how much He meant to her. Holly (Larsen) Hilty wrote: "I have great memories of Lorraine as a Sunday School teacher. She ambitiously taught us Revelation in 5th grade and always brought us huge Oreo cookies." Renee' Larsen wrote: "I remember serving with Lorraine in many areas including teaching Sunday School, being an AWANA leader, and working together in the kitchen on serving groups. She had a servant's heart and always did it with a smile. She loved her children and grandchildren and frequently shared news about them. When Denise (her daughter) was in the military, Lorraine encouraged others to write letters and send care packages to support our service men and women. I always thought of Lorraine as a hard worker. She will be missed by all who knew her."
We love you Lorraine... see you soon in heaven!
It's Official!

Have you ever seen a happier face than the one pictured above? Yep, that's our interim pastor, Darren Carlson. He is officially licensed with the Evangelical Free Church of America. Darren picked up the document above, on Wednesday... his birthday! What a sweet day that was! Congratulations, Pastor Darren!
Student Rally?
This Weekend?

Rally Night... Sunday Night sponsored by the Student Action Leadership Team (S.A.L.T.) 6:00-8:00 pm at Hinckley Free… we’re going! If you would like to go too, talk to Aaron or Deb Harer. This is a night of worship, fun, food and fellowship along with a time in God’s Word. Come and hang out with other students in our area and be encouraged in your faith!
Battle of the Brooms

A week ago, on a sunny, beautiful Monday (a Monday the school doors were closed) our students joined forces with the students from Our Redeemer, donned their wool socks and had an insane, massive broomball battle on the ice at the outdoor rink next to Korbel Arena. A great time, on a warm day was had by all! Above is a picture of the brave group!
Senior Classics

Our Senior Classics were invited to a luncheon at the Lighthouse, last Thursday, February 18, 12 noon. Helen Foster served a wonderful soup luncheon and all enjoyed great music and fellowship. Thank you to Paul Ohman for playing his harmonica and sharing about his journey with Christ to all those who attended. Next Senior Classic event will be in April.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Happy Birthday, Darren!

Just wanted to take this opportunity to wish our pastor a Happy Birthday! Darren, we want you to know how much we love and appreciate you! We all hope you have a great day!