Friday, January 29, 2010

A Slidin' Good Time

Our Jr. & Sr. High students will feel the pull of gravity which will leave them gasping for air this afternoon when they find themselves riding the crest of snowy waves at Eko Backen, in Scandia. They will leave the church at 12 noon and return at 6:00 pm. The fun of sliding on the snowy slopes will make for an exciting afternoon on their day off of school.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Welcome to the world, Baby Carlson!

It was so much fun welcoming Pastor Darren and Amy's new baby boy, Dakota, on Sunday! We're so happy for the safe arrival of their third child. Here is just a few pictures of this very special occasion:

Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Story of Love

Holding human life in high regard should be at the center of all we do as followers of Jesus Christ. God created us in His image (Genesis 1:27) and no other creation of God can say that. Because we are made in His image, God has given us guidance and direction regarding how we treat one another. This Sunday (10:30 am) we will recognize the sanctity of life. Join us, as Mike and Heather Vedders (Heather is the daughter of Glenn and Reneé Larsen) share their story of love, as God has given them a new daughter through adoption.

A Note From Heather: "This last August, Michael and I brought home our beautiful little 9 month old girl from Ethiopia. After many months of waiting, Elsie Chako was finally in our arms. We decided to adopt out of dealing with infertility but quickly realized the amazing journey adoption is in forming a family. God has opened our eyes and taught us so much through it.

As we celebrate Sanctity of Life Sunday, we cannot be more thankful for those birthmothers that choose adoption for their babies. Because Elsie's birthmom knew she couldn't provide what Elsie needed, she brought her to an orphanage and left her there praying God would provide. Her sacrifice is now our joy and we pray for healing and peace in her life. God has such a creative way of forming families and we are so thankful for His hand in it."

Sharing The Joy of a New Baby Boy!

It's a baby shower!

It is with great excitement that we announce a new addition to the Darren and Amy Carlson family. Dakota Maury, was born on Wednesday, December 30, and we want to share in that joy by hosting a baby shower in honor of their newborn son. Everyone is invited to a continental breakfast on Sunday, January 24 at 9:30 am (there will be no adult classes that day). There is a need for disposable diapers (Pampers size 1 or larger) and anything blue for the baby. Everyone is invited to help celebrate this new life God has given them.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Benefit Dinner
Please Come! The community is invited to a benefit dinner for Kami (Kozak) Schmidt (Kami is Chris Johnson’s cousin). Kami was recently diagnosed with Wegener’s Granulomatosis and Vasculitis with ANCA. Wegener’s Disease attacks the respiratory system and Vasculitis is an inflammation of the blood vessels which can also damage other vital organs.

Kami is a single mom to her daughter, Haley, who is a junior at Pine City High School. Kami has missed weeks of work already, due to the recovery period. Kami will be unable to return to her current job at Plastic Products Company in Lindstrom for at least six months.

Benefit Dinner & Live Auction

Sunday, January 24

American Legion Post #51, Pine City

Spaghetti Dinner served 1:00 pm-3:00 pm

(Free Will Offering)

Live Auction will begin at 3:00 pm

A special fund for Kami has been set up at the Rural American Bank, 560 3rd Avenue SE, Pine City, MN 55063. For more information, contact Michelle at 320.629.6539.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

One Gallon Challenge
Gives all of us a chance to help the people of Haiti

Our local radio station (WCMP), along with the help of Pine City High School and the community, is hosting the “One Gallon Challenge” at Pine City boys’ and girls’ basketball games on Tuesday (last night), Thursday and Friday.

Gallon milk jugs will be passed around during the games and the goal is to fill as many jugs as possible with financial donations. Coins, cash and checks will be accepted. ALL the money raised will be sent to the Twin Cities Red Cross Chapter who will send the funds directly to the victims of the Haiti earthquake.

Any questions, call (320) 629.7575 or email All checks should be made payable to “The American Red Cross“. Write “Haiti” in the memo line.

For the results of last evening's One Gallon Challenge go to :
Red Rock on Air

For more information:

Opportunities to make a difference:
Tuesday, January 19
Rush City @ Pine City (Girls’ Basketball), 7:30 p.m.
Thursday, January 21
Mora @ Pine City (Boys’ Basketball), 7:30 p.m.
Friday, January 22
Aitkin @ Pine City (Boys’ Basketball), 7:30 p.m

Monday, January 18, 2010

January Spaghetti Dinner
and Cinema Night

Movie: UP
Rated: Family
Showing: Friday, January 22, 7:00 pm with a Spaghetti Dinner served before the movie starting at 6:00 pm at the Lighthouse
Movie Details: Within 5 minutes, maybe even less, Up will pull you in and you’ll never want the movie to end. Carl Fredrickson, who is grumpy, has a home that is right in the path of new construction. Unable to stand up legally to those who want to level his house, Carl finds the perfect way to keep his home intact, balloons! Up is storytelling at its best. The adventure film takes audiences through the full spectrum of emotions, with action and thrills mixed with comedy and suspense as this seventy-something hero, alongside his clueless wilderness ranger sidekick, travels the globe, fighting beasts and villains, and eating dinner at 3:30 in the afternoon. You will love this movie which is geared for the whole family!
Movie Information Line: 629.2584
Movie and Concessions: Free!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Heart For The Work

The following is one of my favorite passages of scripture because it is a reflection of accomplishment due to a heart for kingdom work and perseverence.

“We kept at it, repairing and rebuilding the wall. The whole wall was soon joined together and halfway to its intended height because the people had a heart for the work.” Nehemiah 4:6

A “heart for the work”… they kept at it, using the gifts and talents God gives, and as a result, they accomplished much!

Christ calls us to live out our faith by loving and serving the people He brings into our lives. God himself does not need our good works... but our neighbor does. Christ says He is present in our neighbor in need. Jesus said, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it for me” (Matthew 25:40). So, when you feed the hungry, clothe those in need, care for the sick, visit prisoners and welcome strangers, you are serving Christ.

This year may we have a “heart for the work”, with all passion and diligence, as we seek to have a heart for people, a heart for ministry and a passion for those who are searching for a relationship with Jesus Christ.
From Steve Austvold
About Haiti

Dear EFCA Churches,

Greetings in Christ. You have probably heard about the earthquake that just hit Haiti yesterday afternoon. Haiti is a country of over nine million people and some reports state that possibly three million people have been affected by this earthquake and the aftershocks.

What can EFCA churches do right now?

1. Pray for the people who are affected by the earthquake. Pray for the responders and rescue people who are already on their way.

2. What is needed now is getting funds to Haiti. Here are some organizations that are trustworthy and that are working in Haiti.

3. If your church has a partnership already in Haiti or if you have contacts there, there might be opportunities for church to go to Haiti to do construction. Contact organizations that you already have relationships with there to find out about short-term opportunities.

Steve Austvold

Here is an update from Pastor Doug Anderson, an EFCA pastor, who used to live and do short-term teams in Haiti.

Here’s what I know…
The Bible School, the large white structure on the Bolosse campus, was heavily damaged. Classes were just beginning for the afternoon. Most students got out without injury. Some were injured, two are buried in the rubble and sounds from them have not been heard for several hours. They are presumed dead.
The homes and other buildings on the campus have sustained some damage but not sure yet if they are inhabitable or need demolishing.
The thousands of homes that surround our campus have been heavily damaged, no clear word yet on injury and death, but we presume high.
The Capital building downtown, one of the most fortified and well constructed buildings in all Haiti, and the symbol of Haiti has been heavily damaged, you’ve seen those pictures on TV.

Here’s what I assume…
MAJOR loss of life was probably averted due to the timing of the quake…5pm, most people are outside. Had it been midnight, I can’t imagine the death toll.
However…major damage to buildings of all types will be across the city of Port-au-Prince, leaving the people today with the major task of rubble clearing. They have little large equipment and no where to take the rubble except into the harbor or far out of the city. You’ll remember “open land” was simply non-existent.
MEDCIAL care for those injured will be a very high priority, and you’ll recall there were few hospitals and clinics in PAP. I will imagine foreign medical aid will be a priority today.
FOOD will be a major issue…with most homes uninhabitable, where will people find food to cook and where will they cook it? Remember the open markets…those are supplied by food being brought in each night from the rural areas…but if roads have been impassable???
Clean Water will also be a major need. Water sources are unreliable in PAP in good times…we can assume water lines have been broken, water treatment plants destroyed etc.

Here’s what you can do if you care to help… is the mission organization Dawn and I served with, and with whom I took you to Haiti. I’m confident they will have updated information on their web site and information about how to help, especially financially.
The U.E.B.H. is the national church leadership. They will work hand in hand with CrossWorld missionaries in PaP and across the nation, to gather information about our 250+ churches, the situation in various towns and cities, and they will develop a strategic response plan. They are good and Godly men. Financial help to them will likely go through CrossWorld, although they may set up some direct flow help.
Pray…of course we all understand the power of prayer, and you probably remember some of the people and places so you can pray specifically.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Feeling A Valued Member
of the Ministry Team

I would like to thank Darren, Aaron and my church family for the words of love and appreciation I received last Sunday. I cannot even begin to tell you how wonderful it was to feel loved and valued by the other members of the ministry team at PCEFC and my church family.

I've said this before, "I love being in ministry and I love my job," ...and, it is even better when you work together in a team effort. It is with great joy that I work along side all of you to the glory of our heavenly Father.

Thank you, again.