Monday, July 27, 2009

Meteorite Mash, Galaxy Golf, Moon Rock Race
all at Vacation Bible School

During last week's VBS at Pine City EFC, at Operation Space, the kids gathered up their gear, climbed into their suits and crisscrossed the cosmos where they encountered: Galactic Games, Stellar Snacks, Cosmic Crafts and Space Probes. The cadet challenge was to learn, love, and live the Bible.

At the launch site each evening the closing drama was a continuing story about a group of cadets, who are in basic training at the Space Academy and their mission is: "to declare the glory of God through space exploration." During this training period, their goal is to learn the fundamentals of space travel and to honor God's Word. Two of the cadets, however, have to learn this the hard way as they fail to follow the directions. As a result of their failure, the captain and crew find themselves lost in space.

Then, as an answer to prayer, the captain and crew discover a mysterious and unnamed space station within close range of their location. As they enter the space station in search of fuel cells, they encounter a villain determined to destroy every Bible on earth so he can rule the world. His plan fails, of course, as God always protects His Word!

Below are a few pictures of our cadets:

Friday, July 3, 2009

Guys Hangout Day

Plan on a day of great fun and adventure on Saturday, July 25, 9:00 am-5:00 pm at Combat Zone. Here’s what they say: “Feel the RUSH as you play all day on eight different gamefields, each with its own challenge- from eliminating opponents to capture the flag! The fields are equipped with Log Forts, Foxholes, Bunkers, Trucks and Mobile Homes to enhance your experience (There's even the infamous Alamo). Our unique facility was created in 1994 to fill the needs of people who wanted a new way to remember special occasions, or just have fun with family or a group of friends… all have made lasting memories at The Combat Zone and keep coming back for more!”

Here’s the details:
Leaving the church at 9:00 am.
Cost is $27 without a gun $15 if you have your own gun.
Extra balls cost $5-$15.
Bring your own lunch, snacks and pop.
Any questions call Chuck.
Cell: 651.238.8061/Home 629.3818

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Operation Space
Flight Data

10, 9, 8, 7 . . .
We’re counting down to fun at Operation Space: A Close Encounter with God’s Word for our Vacation Bible School on July 20-23, 6:00-8:30pm. In this galactic VBS adventure like no other, kids learn how God reveals Himself through His world and His Word. Each evening at Vacation Bible School, we’ll learn more about our great Creator as we crisscross the cosmos, answering questions about space:

How did the universe begin?
Why are people searching for life in outer space?
Did meteorites kill the dinosaurs?
Is earth specially designed?
What’s the difference between astrology and astronomy?

With each day's activities, we’ll also meet our Creator on the pages of the Bible as we have a close encounter with His Word:
How is the Bible unique?
Did the Bible just drop out of heaven?
What does “authority of Scripture” mean?
How can we avoid being “lost in space”?
How has the Bible impacted earth?

This space venture begins the minute kids walk through the doors, when they are transformed into cadets receiving Flight Training at the Space Academy.

See you all right here at Pine City EFC!