Monday, December 29, 2008

Something to share and making a difference

We want to respond to community needs in practical ways. It is very cold outside and there are numerous needs for warm clothing and outerwear this season. We are asking everyone to go through your closets for warm, good condition coats, boots, hats, mittens, snow pants in all sizes for children as well as adults. Also, we want winter clothing such as long sleeved shirts, jeans, pants. Please, only clothing that is winter wearable, clean and in good condition. This week we want to collect as much winter wear as we can because we will be opening up a “Clothing Shelf” for community needs in our church. Thanks everyone!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Don't Cry

Pine City EFC worship service has been cancelled for tomorrow morning due to the weather. Enjoy the morning with your family in preparation for Christmas ...and smile! Don't forget our Christmas Eve service, Wednesday evening... details below! See you there!
Happy Birthday, Jesus!

The angels and the shepherds, so many years ago, celebrated Christ's birth with joy and delight. Their response to the birth of Christ, was a response of intensity and passion. It was a realization of the fulfillment of prophecy and the long awaited Messiah. The angels and shepherds set an example for us today. Will we respond to Christ as they did?

“The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.” Luke 2:20
Join us for our...
Christmas Eve Service
4:00 pm at the Lighthouse

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Blizzard, Blessings and Our Best

Even through the flurry of snowflakes and slippery, slushy roads we had a great turn out on Sunday for our "Kids' Led Christmas Worship". It was a joy to see children excited about being a part of the worship service. As the children sang about the angels and the shepherds of so long ago, we were made aware of their response to the baby in the manger on that very first Christmas morning. What a legacy of worship they left for us!

A big thank you to Kari Johnson and Adrienne Roubinek for the wonderful job they did in leading our children this year! We were truly blessed by the children giving their best! Below is just a glimmer of Sunday morning:

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Words of Tozer

"Christianity today is man-centered, not God-centered. God is made to wait patiently, even respectfully, on the whims of men. The image of God currently popular is that of a distracted Father, struggling in heartbroken desperation to get people to accept a Saviour of whom they feel no need and in whom they have very little interest. To persuade these self-sufficent souls to respond to His generous offers God will do almost anything, even using salesmanship methods and talking down to them in the chummiest way imaginable. This view of things is, of course, a kind of religious romanticism which, while it often uses flattering and sometimes embarrasing terms in praise of God, manages nevertheless to make man the star of the show.
Man: The Dwelling Place of God, 27.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

God with Us

We are taking on different parts of the Christmas story this year. Last week was Mary - the teenager whose deep faith was displayed in a wonderful song, saturated with Scripture and humility.

This week we move to Matthew, and the interesting phrase Immanuel - which means God with us. For the longest time that word made me feel good. Matthew was telling us how wonderful it was that God had entered the world. Jesus was the child that would be God's full self-disclosure.

But Matthew is quoting Is 7:14 - there Immanuel (God with Us) is not a good thing, but a bad thing. When Immanuel comes, judgment on the covenant people of God follows.

Is Jesus appearance a good thing for you? Immanuel means judgment for some. But for others, "O Come O Come Immanuel, And ransom captive Israel!" We will sing that song this Sunday.


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Goodbye Verna,
Glad We Met

Last week, our longest standing member went home to be with the Lord. Many of you knew her for years. I met her once last week. It is a moment I will cherish for the rest of my life.

When I got to visit her she was lying down and very tired. She could not say very much, but I told her who I was and her eyes did all the talking. We prayed together for quite a while. Her refrain after every sentence: Yes Lord! She could not say anything else. When I got up to leave, she reached out her arms, hugged me and said, "I love you."

This dear sister will be someone I look for when I meet her in heaven.

The funeral is scheduled for 11:00am in the sanctuary. You are all welcome to join us to grieve and rejoice for our sister. She has gone home.

Pastor Darren

Saturday, December 6, 2008

My Journey on Christmas

Like some, I grew up going to church that preached nothing. Easter and Christmas services were packed, but beyond that, there was no church. One Christmas, the pastor came to the front and said - "Happy Easter." It was not a purposeful mistake - his next statement "I just got confused because the crowd is so big."

Later I became a Christian and Christmas became a sad time for me. I would look around and feel so guilty about my past. I ignored Christ in the past. I had treasured all the gifts I was to be getting. When I did not get what I wanted I would be upset. Now, when I got a gift I was upset. What a strange thing to be so angry at the world and those around me that I could not enjoy Christmas.

It was a false humility - doing something in the name of godliness. It was pride - a very self righteous type. Thinking I was sticking up for God I was arrogant. Someone would offer a gift and there was no thankful heart. Christ had come to earth, but I was upset no one noticed.

But then something changed. I am not sure exactly what happen - maybe I just realized I was a fool. I was commanded to rejoice and now I would. I would be thankful for His coming. I would tell others of His gift. I could receive gifts with thanks knowing the Savior knew my heart.

What a strange thing to be angry at Christmas.

Pastor Darren

Thursday, December 4, 2008

A special Christmas wrapped up just for you at Pine City EFC!

Christmas in Rock Creek
Saturday, December 6 10:00 am-7:00 pm
On behalf of Loreal Lindstrom and some other familiar names you'd recognize, we invite you to "Christmas in Rock Creek". Grab your friends, your sisters, your family and head out to the Lindstrom's Log Home, sit a spell by the fire, and then browse through the array of Christmas treasures to fill the stocking, cover the wall, or decorate your entry. Many items to choose from. Primitive Furnishings, Hand Crafted Baskets, Vintage Treasure, and so much more. Check it out at Christmas in Rock Creek. And a portion of the proceeds will go to help those in need.
A Kids' Led Christmas Worship
Sunday, December 14 @ 10:15 am
Yes, that's right... our kids will lead worship that day. Remember that old Christmas song..."All I Want For Christmas"? Well you'll be singing along, "All I want for Christmas is Jesus...." Join us as our children share the music of Christmastime.
"Misfit Christmas" Dinner-Theater
Friday, December 19 @ 6:30 pm
This is dinner served up with theater, a perfect holiday outing for family and friends. Smile, laugh and hum along to your favorite Christmas carols as a tone-deaf angel, an absentminded census taker, a cow, a little drummer girl, and several other misfits share their offbeat and charming stories of the first Christmas at a “Misfit Christmas” this year’s production by “Theater For the Thirsty”.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Wednesday, December 24 @ 4:00 pm
Our candlelight Christmas celebration is earlier in the evening this year. We want you and your family to be able to join us as we celebrate the birth of Christ together and then celebrate the birth of Jesus with your family at home.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Angel Tree...
Expressing the love of Christ to children and families of inmates

Once again, Lisa Steven is on a mission. For the past five years (at least) Lisa has organized and encouraged us to help out with Operation Christmas Child. Each year, immediately after we wrap up this service project, she presents us with a new one... Angel Tree.

Angel Tree, a ministry of Prison Fellowship (directed by Chuck Colson), is a service to incarcerated parents and their children. At Christmastime, volunteers from churches can purchase and deliver gifts to the children of inmates in their parent’s name. Each gift delivery also presents an opportunity to share the love and hope of Christ with each family. Through Angel Tree, these children feel a parent’s love, despite their absence. Pine City EFC is giving the church family a wonderful opportunity to provide gifts and reach out to these families in our community this Christmas. Learn more about the national Angel Tree program here.

Prison Fellowship has provided Pine City EFC with the names of children in our area whose incarcerated parents have requested this kind of service. Lisa Steven, coordinator has contacted each caregiver to get permission for the children to receive these gifts, and will also be following up after Christmas so that we can possibly have an on going ministry to some of these families.
How can you help? This Sunday, take an angel off the Christmas tree that is located in the foyer of the Lighthouse. On that angel, is the name of a child who lives in this community whose parent is in prison. Then, buy a gift for that child and deliver it before Christmas. If you have any questions or would like to receive the name of a child before Sunday contact Lisa Steven at 629.6512.