Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Angel Tree...
Expressing the love of Christ to children and families of inmates

Once again, Lisa Steven is on a mission. For the past five years (at least) Lisa has organized and encouraged us to help out with Operation Christmas Child. Each year, immediately after we wrap up this service project, she presents us with a new one... Angel Tree.

Angel Tree, a ministry of Prison Fellowship (directed by Chuck Colson), is a service to incarcerated parents and their children. At Christmastime, volunteers from churches can purchase and deliver gifts to the children of inmates in their parent’s name. Each gift delivery also presents an opportunity to share the love and hope of Christ with each family. Through Angel Tree, these children feel a parent’s love, despite their absence. Pine City EFC is giving the church family a wonderful opportunity to provide gifts and reach out to these families in our community this Christmas. Learn more about the national Angel Tree program here.

Prison Fellowship has provided Pine City EFC with the names of children in our area whose incarcerated parents have requested this kind of service. Lisa Steven, coordinator has contacted each caregiver to get permission for the children to receive these gifts, and will also be following up after Christmas so that we can possibly have an on going ministry to some of these families.
How can you help? This Sunday, take an angel off the Christmas tree that is located in the foyer of the Lighthouse. On that angel, is the name of a child who lives in this community whose parent is in prison. Then, buy a gift for that child and deliver it before Christmas. If you have any questions or would like to receive the name of a child before Sunday contact Lisa Steven at 629.6512.

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