Friday, April 11, 2008

On Wednesday night our Jr. & Sr. High students and 56ers went to serve with Kids Against Hunger an International Food Relief Campaign. (Kids Against Hunger is a nonprofit organization with the mission to significantly reduce the number of hungry children in the USA and to feed starving children throughout the world. This is being achieved by getting volunteers involved, and by setting up food packaging satellites in the USA, and through partnerships with humanitarian organizations worldwide - enabling Kids Against Hunger to deliver its specially formulated rice-soy casserole to starving children and their families in more than 40 countries).
As reported by Chris Johnson... "The Cambridge/Isanti High School lunch room was transformed into an assembly line of filling and packing bags of rice for distribution overseas. Much organization took place as they placed us at different stations. We each had to wear a hat or hair net. The first station was filling empty bags, first by placing empty bags under a funnel, then we added one cup rice, one cup dehydrated chicken (protein), one tablespoon dried vegetables, and one tablespoon of chicken flavoring. The bag was then removed and placed in tubs to be taken and weighted for accuracy. Then off to removing the air and sealing bags with a hot press. The bags then went to a station to be counted, 36 to a box, where they were packed and sealed in boxes and labeled Kids Against Hunger. There were hundreds of kids and adults all working together, some of us were not with people that we even knew, but everyone worked well together. It was great to be apart of something that would benefit others, it was an awesome feeling." Here are some pictures...

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