Monday, June 25, 2012

Becoming a "Great Commission" Church

On July 8, you are invited to learn more about "Mobilizing Missions!"  The Missions Committee is excited to have Steve and Kathy Austvold, team members with the Evangelical Free Church of America, come and share with us how to become a Great Commission Church. The Austvold's will have a part in our regular morning worship on July 8 AND will provide an enriching mini mission seminar following lunch. You won't want to miss this event!  One very current and disturbing, heart wrenching topic will be delivered on "Human-trafficking" at the seminar.  There will also be discussion on mission issues that are relevant to the PCEFC.

A brown bag lunch will be served right after the morning service BUT you must sign up for the lunch so we can plan accordingly!   Look for the sign up sheet at the back table after the morning service.  Call Mary Rinden at 629.3659 or Karen Gonyea at 629.7464 if additional information is needed.   

Be a VIP!

Do you want to be a VIP? Yes, you can be part of a group of Volunteers Impacting Parents in our nursery during the worship service! We have many VIPs on the schedule but don't want to miss anyone who may want to volunteer and impact parents! If you are interested in helping out occasionally contact our nursery staff coordinator, Jamie Molhoff, at 629.3857. Be a VIP!

Frontline Summer Kick-Off 

Just a reminder to Frontline Folk and their parents that this summer will not be on its usual Wednesday evening.  There are special events planned throughout the summer.  Our first, is this Tuesday, out at the Johnson’s (Mariah, Jed and Shania’s home) at 6:30 pm— 9:00 pm.  If you would like a ride out to the Johnson’s, meet at church at 6:15 pm.  Look forward to a night of campfire donuts, malts, volleyball and Lacrosse. We will have a summer schedule available to give to you.  Don’t miss out on the fun as we kick off a great summer!

The First of Our "How To" Summer Classes

Char Stoffel offered a class on June 14 at the Lighthouse on how to make spring rolls with an assortment of yummy sauces that go with this tasty rolled appetizer.   Spring Rolls are an Asian snack of rice paper filled with minced vegetables and meat and rolled. A number of ladies put on their chef hat and came to this first of a number of “How To” classes that will be offered this summer!  The next class is just around the corner. It will be "How To Make Appetizers".  Date and time will be posted soon!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Every Monday @ PCEFC 
Women Helping Others 

 A reminder that every Monday our Women Helping Others (WHO) Group meets together at 12 Noon. This Monday, June 18 meet at the library  for Prayer and Share time. Bring a lunch if you like. We will be making meals for some of our church family and working on the Clothing Shelf.  Please join us - no age limits (all are welcome and needed).Remember many hands make light work!
"How To" Class Offered 

All are invited to attend a “How To” class tonight, June 14 at 6:30 pm at the Lighthouse.  Char Stoffel will teach us how to make Spring Rolls with an assortment of yummy sauces that go with this tasty rolled appetizer.   Spring Rolls are an Asian snack of rice paper filled with minced vegetables and meat and rolled. So, put on your chef hat and come to this first of a number of “How To” classes that will be offered this summer!  (There will be a small fee for the class).