Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Men...This One's For You 

Men, a four week…. yes, four weeks only, Bible study is being planned just for you on four consecutive Tuesdays in May from 7:00-8:30 pm in the church library on the following dates: May 8,  15, and 22, 29.  This will be a dynamic small group Bible study based on the bold fatherhood and family principles featured in the film Courageous (which was shown April 13 at PCEFC Lighthouse) and will help lead men toward living more courageously in four key areas: Responsibility: serving, protecting, and casting a vision for their family, Priorities: focusing on eternal things rather than what is temporary, Legacy: recognizing a father's potential impact as a godly role model, Faith: strengthening a father's identity in Christ, increasing in wisdom.

This four-week Bible study is designed to challenge you to live courageously for the sake of your family. Session topics include:

1.  Courageous Call: Fighting For Your Family
2.  Courageous Priorities: Valuing What Matters Most
3.  Courageous Legacy: Impacting Future Generations
4.  Courageous Faith: Standing For Christ

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