Friday, March 30, 2012

Take The... Our Response: 14% Challenge!
Take the Our Response: 14% Challenge!  Read on... On average, Americans throw away 14% of the food we purchase while billions of people try to survive on less than $2/day.  Our Response, a unified community effort to "respond" to global poverty, is challenging the people of East Central MN to take the 14% Challenge during the month of April.  What an amazing impact we could have if we reduced our food purchases (grocery store, eating out, etc.) by 14% during the entire month of April and donate the savings to fight malnutrition in Kivuruga, Rwanda. Several of us have been there and served meals to children that were made possible only through the donations of Our Response; and we want to fulfill our commitment to fully fund that Nutrition Center. If you decide to take this challenge, at the end of April, drop off your donation in an envelope marked "Our Response: 14% Challenge” at the PCEFC office or drop in the offering plate.  Thank you everyone!

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