Friday, May 14, 2010

Thank You, Everyone!

(Missing from the picture above is: Matthew Merrick, Brady Helseth, Wayne Smith, Laura Rolf and Marlene Sprunk)
Another year of Awana is now over and we want to take the opportunity to thank our leaders and listeners for helping make this a fantastic year! We had many new clubbers this year that came with great interest in learning about Jesus. Thank you to the parents of our clubbers for your huge effort in helping your child with memory work and so faithfully getting them to Awana each Wednesday night! It is with joy that we share the love of Jesus Christ with the children who attend. Please continue to pray for our Awana clubbers during the summer months. Pray that the seeds that were planted in their hearts and minds this year will continue to grow and take root in their lives individually. Thanks again, everyone!

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