Wednesday, December 9, 2009

More Than an Event
It's an Invitation to aWay of LifeChallenge is an every other year growth level conference for junior and senior high students sponsored by the EFCA. This upcoming summer, over 7.000 students will converge on Columbus, Ohio, June 28-July 3 at Challenge '10. This is an opportunity for youth groups to travel together, to worship and learn together, to serve together, to play together and to be challenged to grow in their faith as individuals and as a group- to become effective Christ followers who impact their world for Jesus Christ. And, our students will have the opportunity to do just that.
C:10 will be an event to help students redefine what it means to love God and love others as seen through the lens of the Beatitudes. You cannot follow Jesus and remain the same. Jesus guarantees to change both your life's desires and your life's direction. Students attending will be challenged to ask themselves questions such as, 'When did following Jesus closely become optional? How did the church become a place than a people? When did the cross mean comfort and safety rather than sacrifice? When did service become a project rather than a way of life?' Challenge '10: Undo. May he restore his original intent for his followers into the hearts and minds of our youth.
Aaron would like a count by January 15, as to who will be going. This will be something you won't want to miss!

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