Friday, January 30, 2009

So It Has Been a Little Busy....

Why have I disappeared from our blog? Well, there is so much going on that I keep forgetting to write something. As a pastor, I am especially thrilled to know things are going on that I have little to do with! Here is the summary:

1. We passed our vision and value statement with only a little amendment!
2. We passed the new By-Laws for vote at our next meeting with only a little amendment!
3. The website is up - though not fully functional for another couple weeks!
4. I am personally amazed how a small church is able to put 10% of their budget to foreign missions. That is amazing!
5. The Clothing Drive has turned into a major ministry. There are people from the community dropping things off and picking stuff up. There was a steady stream all week!!
6. The implementation of our ministry ideas is taking shape: shepherd groups, scripture memory as a church, homeless shelter, weekly bible studies, re-maritial class, etc.

Only the Lord can juggle all of this.

Much Grace-


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