Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Building Bridges

Note: I wrote this article in 2006 for our church newsletter, I just ran across it yesterday and thought I would post it. Jeanne

Dictionary Main Entry:

1 bridge
1 a : a structure carrying a pathway or roadway over a depression or obstacle
b : a time, place, or means of connection or transition

Bridges. When we think of them we no doubt think of a physical structure we cross to get over an obstacle, perhaps a valley or river. Some bridges are wood, steel, concrete or possibly something else. Some are beautiful, some are not. But they all function in the same way— to bring two sides together. In war, bridges are indispensable links that continue the supplies from where they are produced to where they are needed. Bridges are indispensable on a human level as well, in regards to how we relate to one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. We as believers in Christ can either act as a barrier or a bridge. Sin is a barrier to our relationship with God, but it is also a barrier in our relationship to one another. If we allow sin to control our thoughts, words and actions, if our decisions are based on selfishness, we put up barriers in our relationship with others.

Bridges allow two-way travel which benefits both sides. In order for bridges to continue to be unobstructed and free of barriers we need to guard against the sabotages of the enemy. “As much as it depends upon you, live at peace with all men.” We need to keep honest, open communication with one another so the bridge can be easily accessed by both sides. We need the ingredients of mutual respect, humility, unselfishness, forgiveness and trust, to act as the foundational pillars of the bridge we are building with others.

When there is a misunderstanding , do you go directly to that person to clear it up, or do you continue to think negative thoughts about the situation? When you speak with another, do you allow for freedom of communication where there is an exchange of thoughts and intentions so that there is an element of understanding of the other? Do you think the best of another, or are you a fault-finder? Do you go directly to the person you’ve had a misunderstanding with, or do you discredit that person to your friends?

The Ultimate Bridge Builder is God Himself— sending his Son Jesus, the Ultimate Bridge, to bring us to Himself. I Peter 3:18 states, “For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God.”

In light of the above, and the tremendous sacrifice God made on our behalf, can’t we do the same? We have an example to follow. How good are we at encouraging one another and showing mercy? Do you communicate with love? If someone’s not communicating well, do you go to them? Are you sabotaging bridges or are you maintaining them?

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