Monday, July 28, 2008


First, we have a place for our baptism service. For those who I have asked to find a place, the search is now off. I cannot remember who I asked, so please forgive me on this one!

The "when" will be announced soon enough.

Now, what do we as a church believe about baptism?

1. We believe the gospel. We were born enemies of God, not friends. We were born separated from God, not with. Our hearts were far from Him, not close. And yet, because of His great love, He calls us to come to Him in repentance and trust His Son. His Son died in our place and took care of our sin.
2. We believe that baptism is not necessary for salvation, but not optional. In many churches, baptism is downplayed because we do not want to have people think it is required... and that does such an injustice to the New Testament. Baptism was a way of referring to conversion. I like to call it as part of the process. You trust Christ, get baptized and enter in the family of God as part of your conversion.

Most will find themselves in two places:
1. You were baptized as a baby. If this is you, I would ask you to look through Scripture. See if you can defend baptism before a profession of faith. There are Christians in the world who hold to infant baptism. I am not one of them. In our church we have people from Catholic and Lutheran backgrounds who are in this boat.
2. You have never been baptized. If this is you, what are you waiting for? :)

Here are some questions I normally get:

1. How old do you have to be?

Having worked with teens for a long time, I know many who regret getting baptized at 5 or 6 because mom and dad wanted them to do it. I personally feel uncomfortable baptizing anyone younger than 12 or 13.

2. What if I'm not ready?

If you are a Christian, you are ready. Becoming a Christian does not mean you have reached a certain level of godliness. Becoming a Christian means you realize that Jesus died for you because you are not good. Saying you're not ready is saying Jesus is not enough. If you are a Christian, shed the guilt and come to the water.

3. What if I as a parent want to baptize my child?

I understand the great commission as meaning that all Christians can baptize anyone. I do however hesitate with parents and their children. I see baptism as an entry rite into the family of God. I personally think the lines get blurred when a parent does it. I am however open to it if you really want to do it.

If you would like to join the many who are going to be baptized please stop in or talk to an elder. We have old and young, married couples, singles, elders, high school students and youth leaders. It is going to be a blessing.

In order to be baptized by me, you will have to do a few things - they will be easy. More on that on Sunday.

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