Saturday, February 2, 2008

For those of you who missed the last Women’s Bible study (because it was sooo cold!), we went over the fourth listed (in Galatians 5:22-23) “fruit of the Spirit”, patience. We learned that God calls us to be patient in circumstances and He calls us to be patient with others.

We’re encouraged in scripture to persevere through the circumstances that God allows in our life. Hebrews 10:35 states, “You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.” In other words, we need to be patient through the hard situations in life. Why? Because we have the hope of an expected outcome that God promises us. What is that outcome? The outcome is being made into the very likeness of Jesus. When we are going through the trials of life, we need to remember two things: God is at work in our life; and He has not forgotten about us.

Remember the story of Job? He remained faithful inspite of his heartache and loss. He endured because he had hope of an expected outcome. Job said, “When He has tested me, I will come forth as gold.” We today, also, have the hope of an expected end… becoming like Christ. Because we have this hope, we will want to have the patience that He calls us to have through the hard circumstances of life.

In regard to patience toward others, we’re reminded that God calls us to be merciful. Mercy is the absence of condemnation and judgment toward another. Because God has mercy on us, He has incredible patience toward us. Mercy drives patience. As we become more like Him we will reflect His mercy and patience to others.

Forgiveness is the evidence of God at work in our life. As the Holy Spirit is working in our life, He produces patience in us which is perfected by mercy which prompts us to forgive others. And…. we must forgive, because God’s Word calls us to forgive.

Pray that God will give you patience in circumstances, knowing that He is refining you, as gold, so that His reflection will be seen through you. In regard to others, ask Him to give you the same mercy and patience that He so incredibly has toward us so that we won’t be a stumbling block but will be a testimony of His love

Looking forward to seeing you at the next Women's Bible study on Tuesday, February 5 at 6:30. We’ll take a look at kindness and goodness, focusing in on a genuine concern for others. “I am the Lord who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on the earth, for in these I delight.” Jeremiah 9:24

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