“For he will give his angels charge of you to guard you in all your ways.” Psalm 91:11 It is comforting to know that God watches over us at all times and sends his angels to protect us. Jim Ekbom communicated to us on Sunday some observations he made while studying the scriptures about angels. Did you know the angels worship God? Did you know they were created to serve those who walk with God, to protect the helpless, to carry out judgment and were created to be God’s messengers?
Especially at Christmas in regard to Christ’s birth, the angels were used to bring the good news of Christ’s upcoming birth. We find in Luke that an angel appeared to Zechariah announcing that his wife Elizabeth would have a child, and was to call his name John. The angel said, “Your wife Elizabeth will bear a son, and you are to give him the name John. He will be a joy and delight to you, and many will rejoice because of his birth, for he will be great in the sight of the Lord...and he will prepare the people for the Lord’s arrival.” The angel, Gabriel, appeared to Mary announcing Christ's birth. An angel also appeared to Joseph when he was struggling with his decision to take Mary as his wife, reassuring him that it was the right thing to do.
One child summed it up as he recited his line at the Christmas program on Sunday night, “The angels said a lot of important stuff the night Jesus was born... the angel told the shepherds not to be afraid and that Jesus was born in the little town of Bethlehem.” Yes, the night of Jesus birth, the angels were important messengers. Messengers, communicating to a lost world, the fulfillment of prophecy... our Savior was born. Our hope for eternal life.
Sunday night was an opportunity to listen to our children and students tell us about the gift that will last for eternity… the gift of eternal life. Thank you kids for sharing with us and encouraging us to glorify God, to remember and honor Him as our Savior, and to share the gift of salvation with others.
Thank you to all who made Sunday meaningful. Thank you to our kids who did a fantastic job! Thank you to Kari Johnson, Jen Simonson and Adrienne Roubinek for all their work with the program. Thank you Jim Ekbom for the Sunday morning message on angels. Thank you to all the men and women who worked tirelessly in the kitchen. A special thanks to Marlene Sprunk and her daughter Diane Johnson who provided the "Live Nativity" of goats, sheep, donkeys, and chickens. Thank you to our Frontline students who replicated the Inn Keeper, Mary, Joseph and the shepherds so beautifully!
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