Monday, December 10, 2007

An Amazing Church Family
Pine City EFC has been the hub for an unusual amount of activity in the past three weeks. It started with a Thanksgiving Eve Service which was well attended, and also appreciated by so many of our grown kids (who were home for the holidays) and commented that it was good to be back in their home church.

Pine City EFC was the host church for four funerals since Thanksgiving. Ruth Geilser’s brother, Delbert Lange, went home to be with the Lord. Delores Madison, long-time church member and much loved Sunday School teacher went to
be with Jesus. (I can still see Delores sitting in a chair with busy little 2 and 3 year olds sitting on the floor surrounding her. As their little fingers pointing up in the air, representing their light to shine for Jesus, she taught them “This Little Light of Mine”). We have shared in Mike and Kathy Swan’s grief, as they have lost their grandson, Jaeden, who was born prematurely. And now this past week, we remembered Betty Hautala at a memorial service which beautifully represented her love of the Savior.

We want to thank our amazing church family who unconditionally worked hard to see that everything was well prepared for the various groups of people coming who needed “a cup of cold water in His name”. From parking lot, to snow removal, chairs/tables and equipment, take down/set up, to sound techs, decorating, food and clean up...many, many people were involved and all was done in love. Thank you everyone. Your love for Christ and for others was evident!

Now as a church, we prepare for Christmas. We are working hard to present to those around us the importance of grasping what God did for us in providing us with the gift of his Son, Jesus. Jesus birth was just the beginning. This gift to us, was made complete by his death on the cross and his resurrection. He invites you to personally accept this gift today. Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

emaress said...

So true! Having gone through the loss of a grandchild, and seeing how the love of Christ shining through PCEFC affected our family was such a blessing. Your love brought healing and reconciliation in so many ways. Thank you all so much, you will never know what it meant to our children, and Kathy and me. God bless you all, Mike Swan