Friday, August 17, 2012

Small Groups 

Small Group Hosts/Facilitators Needed
As we launch small groups this fall with discussions centered around the Doctrines of the Free Church, we are looking for people who would be willing to open their homes to host/facilitate a small group starting in September. As a host/facilitator, you have the option of picking a time and day of the week that works best for you. Please sign up on Sunday or call Nate or Paul. Some may wish to just host and others just facilitate (as you may not have the room in your home for a small group) please sign up and we will match you with another couple/person to team up with. We are planning on providing training and encouragement to host/facilitators on August 22, to help your group experience be meaningful and successful. If you have any questions please contact Nate Johnson (629.1106) or Paul Sommerfeld (715.497.8171)

Small Group Host/Facilitators Training Meeting
If you are looking to host/facilitate a small group this fall, you will need to attend a special night of host training on Wed. August 22 from 7-9 pm at the South Campus. We will be focusing on helping you be successful as a host/facilitator and have a beneficial group experience. The training event itself will be a small group experience as well as provide you with information on the small groups and materials for this fall.

Church Softball League Champs 

Congratulations to the Pine City EFC Church Softball C Team! Last Saturday they won the East Central Church Softball League Tournament! Yay!!! Pictured in front row: Isaiah Gonyea, Kylie Harer, Elijah Harer, Jed Johnson. In back row is: Jeff Johnson, Todd Johnson, Isaiah Gonyea, Elijah Harer, Jim White

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

PCEFC Men’s Night Out 
Saturday, August 11 @ 6:30 p.m.
Chucker’s Bowling in Rush City
Hey, guys, kiss your wife and kids goodbye (just for a couple of hours) and join up with the guys at Rush City bowling alley for a few rounds of bowling!

Feel free to drive yourself to the bowling alley or meet at the church at 6:10 p.m. and we’ll take the church van down. Either way, see you there! And, get ready for a great time of fun and fellowship.
Trip to Wild Mountain 

Frontline Trip to Wild Mountain… Thursday, August 9. Meet at church at 9:00 a.m. and get ready for a wild ride down the waterslides at Wild Mountain! We’re really looking forward to going as a group! Bring a bag lunch and snackies! Cost is $20. If you’d like to use money from your student account, please see Ellie. Also, bring extra money for the snack shop, if you’d like. You’ll need a swimsuit, towel and sunscreen. Get ready for a blast!
Pine County Fair Clean Up Crew
  We're really looking forward to the Pine County Fair this week! Lots happening! We are once again committed to cleaning the fairgrounds each morning August 2-6. Please meet at 7:00 a.m., check in, grab some gloves and a garbage bag (provided for you)… all hands on deck. This is a great fundraiser for our Frontline kids! We need lots of people to help each morning.