Friday, February 18, 2011

Eko Backen

Hey, Frontline Folk... feel the pull of gravity which will leave you gasping for air on Monday, February 21 as you find yourselves riding the crest of snowy waves at Eko Backen again this year. The fun of sliding on the snowy slopes makes for an exciting day with friends! We’re leaving the church at 9:15 am and will return around 3:00 pm. The cost is $12. Bring money for a stop at fast food on the return trip home. See you then!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

An Afternoon With Friends

A few individuals joined up with some of our friends from Our Redeemer Lutheran Church on Sunday for a beautiful ski through the woods at Mark and Sue Osterdyk's. The weather was perfect on Sunday, warm and sunny, a beautiful day to be outdoors with friends.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Love, Relationships & Purity
What does God have to do with it?

Hey, Frontline Folk... this one's for you!

Each Wednesday at youth group during the month of February we’ll be talking about “Love, Relationships and Purity– What Does God Have to Do With It?” There is all kinds of advice out there about dating today, but Christians need to have a different attitude toward dating. Teens who have made a commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ should know God’s perspective on dating. It’s not about following rules but there are some solid reasons why God asks us to live a certain way, and dating is no different.

Here’s the line up for February:

February 2– Aaron will talk about “Love”. Love is important. Love is a decision. Love is a priority.

February 9– Pastor Joel will talk about “Dating”, emphasizing the reality that girls must guard their hearts and guys must guard their minds.

February 16– “Purity" is the topic for the evening with Glenn Larsen meeting with the guys and Mary Rinden meeting with the girls.

February 23– Nate Johnson will use this evening to wrap up “Love, Relationship, and Purity”.

This is a month you won't want to miss out on as we'll be inspired to selflessly surrender our own single, independent lives to God… and only then we can selflessly lay our lives down for those that he puts in our life!